Face Makeup Techniques 

Amazing Makeup Techniques for Enlarging Small Eyes

When you use eye makeup, you may make your eyes appear larger and more expressive. Whether your eyes are round, almond, wide set, or set close to your socket, they are all beautiful in their own ways. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with large eyes, which is a shame because they certainly boost one's attractiveness. Makeup tricks, however, allow for just such an impression to be created.

Look after your brows

We tend to put a lot of stock on eyebrows. Keeping your eyebrows in good shape requires frequent salon visits. Keep the form of your eyes in mind. Eyes are the focal point of the face, thus it's important to have bold, thick, and attractive eyebrows. To make the eyes appear larger, the space between the brows should be widened.

Here's a little secret: translucent mascara may give your brows the thickness and definition you've been looking for, making your eyes pop.
Get rid of those swollen cheeks forever!

Taking care of one's eyes on a regular basis is essential for maintaining their youthful appearance. Skin swelling around the eyes can diminish their apparent size. How to lessen under-eye swelling:
  1. Get a good night's rest.
  2. Maintain a routine of cold-water face washing.
  3. For a tighter appearance around the eyes, use cold tea bags. Tannins in tea have this effect.
  4. Lower your salt consumption.
  5. Try to get some exercise.
  6. Avoiding those black bags beneath your eyes is a must.
Even while concealer won't make your eyes appear larger, it will prevent them from being the focus of any attention that may otherwise be paid to them. This is a crucial stage, so don't skip it. Using a concealer that brightens, you can hide imperfections and under-eye circles. Pick a tint that is just a hair lighter than your foundation.

Pale, neutral eye shadow

The best eye makeup to wear is one that is light and neutral. If you want to contour properly, you should do as such. Use brighter tones for what you want to highlight and darker tones for what you want to conceal. Lighter colours used at the turn of the century give the impression of larger eyes.

Wellness, fitness, and cosmetics are the three main sections.