Basic leg workouts include squats and deadlifts, while single-leg exercises are typically put off. They are frequently regarded as auxiliary. But standing on one leg while doing strength exercises has several advantages.

Advantages of one-legged squats

Best Advantages of single-leg squats by dailyhealthwise

Little pressure on the spine

To develop huge, powerful legs, you do not necessarily need to squat while holding the weight behind your neck. The lower back frequently suffers because the typical lifter lacks the mobility to complete a barbell squat. Numerous single-leg exercises shift all or the majority of the weight straight to the legs, relieving the lower back of the strain.

Redressing the imbalance

Exercises that are unilateral help you get rid of or rectify imbalances. Usually, when performing a standard squat, you prefer one side over the other, giving the dominant side greater strain. This exacerbates the imbalance by widening the strength disparity between the limbs. You can apply the same amount of weight to each leg on each rep of each set using unilateral or single-leg workouts. You "smooth out" the imbalance as a result.


You become more balanced by reducing your base of support, such as by standing on one foot rather than two.

More possibility for load on your legs

Due to the fact that the lower back is frequently the limiting issue in lower body rises, the theoretical load ceiling (how much weight your legs can carry) is a little greater. It is possible to put more potential weight straight onto your feet by removing the limiting constraint.

It is possible to put more potential weight straight onto your feet by removing the limiting constraint.


You gain both strength and mobility via single-leg exercises. Your mobility will gradually increase as you perform workouts on one leg.

Three powerful one-leg workouts Bench squat

You "squat" on one leg while standing on a bench when performing single leg squats. With your free leg, bend down and touch the floor with your heel.

Bench squat with the unlocked leg

We squat down on the opposite leg while placing our free leg on the bench.

Deadlifting a rouman on one leg

One of the key exercises for developing the posterior chain is the Romanian deadlift (lower back, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles). By enhancing glute and hamstring involvement, the single-leg variant enhances its attractiveness.

Using one hand to hold a kettlebell or dumbbell, you complete single leg deadlifts.


After squats and deadlifts, single-leg movements offer more than just modest support work. Use them with a load to make your legs larger and stronger and avoid the agonising lower back ache that barbell squats are frequently connected with.