What exactly is dehydration, if you please?

How does dehydration affect sports performance?

A lack of water in the body causes the sensation of extreme thirst. Everybody is at risk of dehydration from even moderate losses in fluids due to their daily activities. The value of water, the most important substance for human survival, is beyond estimation.

Exercising causes the body to generate heat, and having too much heat in the body hinders performance. When the internal temperature of the body rises, more blood is pumped to the skin in an effort to cool it down through perspiration. Muscle temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and the core body temperature can reach 39 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) during hard activity (108 degrees Fahrenheit).
 In these temperatures, the body and muscles have to work harder to get enough oxygen and nutrients to survive.

There is a greater demand for oxygen in the bloodstream, and therefore less available as the body temperature increases. When oxygen is diverted from essential organs to aid in the cooling process, serious health problems and a decrease in sports performance can result.

There might be a two percent drop in total body water when exercise is introduced. That's within the "normal" range for people, but it's not great for peak performance in any sport. Effects of little fluid loss during exercise are summarised in the table below.


1 %Few symptoms or signs of any thirst present; however, there is a marked reduction in VO2 max.
2%Beginning to feel thirsty; loss of endurance capacity and appetite.
3%Dry mouth; performance impaired.
4%Increased effort for exercise, impatience, apathy, vague discomfort, loss of appetite.
5%Difficulty concentrating, increased pulse and breathing, slowing of pace.
6-7%Further impairment of temperature regulation, higher pulse and breathing, flushed skin, sleepiness, tingling, stumbling, headache.
8-9%Dizziness, labored breathing, mental confusion, further weakness.
10%Muscle spasms, loss of balance, swelling of tongue.
11%Heat Exhaustion, delirium, stroke, difficulty swallowing; death can occur.

Dehydration can cause any or all of the following:

• Increased heart rate (beats per minute)

• Increased lactate acid in muscles (increased blood acidity)

• Increased body temperature

• Decreased strength

• Any of the following medical conditions: heat cramping, heat exhaustion & heat stroke

The simplest solution to preventing fluid loss is also the most effective. If you're looking to replace fluids lost via activity, water is all you need. While water can help replenish some fluids, it can't make up for the minerals lost via perspiration. The essential electrolytes potassium, sodium, and calcium are expelled during perspiration. These electrolytes (minerals) are in short supply in liquid water. Therefore, before engaging in hard activity, it is recommended that you take a supplement containing these extra minerals.

A "sports drink" is one type of supplement that often contains these electrolytes. In addition to providing the athlete with a variety of vitamins and minerals, these beverages also give an extra source of glucose in the form of simple and complex carbs, most of which are simple sugars. As a result of the body's natural metabolic processes, this glucose may be utilised to provide energy for active muscles.

If consumed as intended, the carbs in sports drinks can boost performance, but they don't really contribute to fluid retention. Sports drinks vary in their ability to rehydrate due to components beyond just the water they contain, such as the potassium, sodium, and calcium they include.

Fitness water is the newest product created by exercise experts and cunning marketers to combat dehydration. This innovative drink starts with normal water and then adds essential electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and calcium, as well as other minerals and vitamins. This new drink is aimed at health and fitness buffs who value water but are also trying to watch their calorie and sugar consumption as they work to shed excess pounds.

Coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages should usually be avoided before and during physical activity. Caffeinated drinks and foods cause more frequent urination, leading to more fluid loss. To prevent this kind of fluid loss is one of our primary goals. For a boost of energy before hitting the gym, many choose caffeinated beverages. Those in need of "the additional energy" would do well to forego the coffee and instead take a vitamin B Dawae. A vitamin B supplement might provide the required boost in energy without causing excessive sweating.

Drink lots of fluids, especially those containing electrolytes, the morning after a night of drinking if you want to engage in physical activity.

You are well hydrated if you consume both the necessary electrolytes and a sufficient amount of fluids. Keeping an eye on your vitals and drinking lots of water is essential. When thirst first appears, the body is already two percent of the way towards becoming dehydrated. You should drink fluids before and throughout exercise to prevent dehydration.