Did you realise that even stretching carries the danger of overloading the body and causing damage? Many young girls have dreams about twine and cat agility. Unfortunately, few individuals understand stretching properly, and most novices simply have a broad understanding of what it is. Is it feasible to prevent negative effects and simply gain positive effects and a positive attitude from classes?

Warm up well before exercising 

How to avoid injury when stretching by dailyhealthwise

It makes no difference if you are an expert or a novice. Before completing fundamental exercises, the muscles need to be made supple and elastic, which is a requirement for everyone. It is sufficient to do a little warm-up for this purpose, which stimulates blood circulation, develops joints, and gradually raises body temperature.

Option for a 7–10 minute warm-up:

one minute of static walking; two to three minutes of articular gymnastics; two to three minutes of jumping rope; and slow body tilts and twists (2-3 minutes).

Execute the exercises slowly.

Your body will first struggle under the weight. Be careful not to move quickly! They need to move carefully and slowly. Do not hurry; it usually takes a long time for people to notice the results. Relaxation and mental concentration on the stretched muscle area will be aided by soothing music.

Regulate your breathing

Flexibility may be increased by proper breathing. It should signify something: on a lengthy exhale, you must extend your muscles, and on a deep inhalation, you must return to your starting posture. Hold your breath, but don't!

I can't take the hurt

The feelings will be pleasing and pulling when the body is in the right position. When you are in the improper position or exerting yourself too hard, you will experience sharp or scorching pain. Ask the teacher for assistance if you need it. Muscle aches in the morning are inevitable for novices, but they are the body's normal response to the load.

You can do Pilates in Moscow if stretching is not recommended. It is excellent for recovery from injuries as well.

As you can see, stretching exercises must be performed correctly, and concentrating on interior sensations is crucial. Consult your doctor if you're unsure about starting or continuing lessons.

And keep in mind that stretching takes time. Enjoy it while you practise at your own speed.

Position your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows, and slouch to begin class. Perform the change without jerking. Hold this position for 10 seconds once you begin to feel your muscles being stretched. While seated on the ground, straighten your back and lift one straight leg towards the body. Without bending your knee, tug it lightly with your palm or an elastic band. Perform the same movement with your second leg.

Then, you may perform forward bends. Do not assume a kneeling position while extending your legs in front of you. Gently extend your body outward. Spread your legs wide and make an attempt to lay your chest on the ground.

The subsequent exercise needs you to sit on the floor with your legs apart and your feet together. Then, you should begin to gently lower your knees to the floor using your hands. Remember that you must stop exercising if you experience pain, since continuing to do so puts you at risk of injury.

This sequence of exercises must be performed at least three times each week. If you want to grow faster, you should never skip an exercise, but you should also avoid overtraining.