The following are three simple workouts that will help you maintain your fitness level. After all, physical activity is important for everyone. The ability to move about is essential to survival. Being active and engaging in a wide range of exercises on a daily basis is one of the best ways to ensure a long, happy, and most importantly, healthy life.

Everyone of us probably remembers jumping rope as a form of exercise from our youth. Jumping rope for a few minutes with brief rests is a great way to get a cardiovascular and muscular workout, especially in the legs. When paired with a nutritious diet, this activity is effective for reducing excess weight. 

Moreover, physical activity improves stamina, general muscle tone, and the capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems to function. In addition, unlike treadmills and other simulators, a jump rope is easily accessible to everybody; you can buy one at any store that carries sports equipment, and you can choose from a dizzying array of different models, from the most basic to those that can keep track of your jumps for you. Pick the one that fits you best in terms of both comfort and height.

In recent years, the importance of exercise has become widely recognised.

Plank. The plank is a widely practised exercise these days, and for good reason: unlike any other exercise out there, it targets every single muscle group, including the abdominals, chest, shoulders, and back. Like the preceding activity, this one boosts physical stamina. The plank engages all the abdominal muscles, so even if you already have a flat stomach, you may expect to see even more results.

The plank has the added benefit of improving one's posture, which is something that can be said of very few other exercises. Correct execution of the plank is essential to avoid injury. An accent on reclining on one's forearms up to the elbow, with the body rigid and stiff.

A lumbar arch is not desirable. Each pair of feet is perpendicular to the other. In the beginning, when this exercise is challenging, you should hold the bar for 10-17 seconds. Make sure to add three to five seconds to this time after each session.

Once you've mastered the 1-minute plank, you can increase the challenge or just hold for longer. Some plank variations are more complicated than others, such as the side plank and the plank with the arms outstretched.

Everyone squats, thus everyone knows that it's a good exercise. The movement is simple and has been familiar to people since since elementary school P.E. classes. The main muscle groups it targets are the gluteal, calf, and to a lesser extent thigh muscles, although it is still quite effective. 

Squats are dangerous if not done properly since they can cause serious damage to your back, tendons, and knees. With your feet little wider than shoulder-width apart, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and keep your back straight and slightly hunched forward.

Squat for 25–40 reps in 3–4 sets. Increase the number of squats you do at each subsequent workout. Legs can keep their tone with this type of workout, but if you want to bulk up, you need employ a load, such dumbbells. You can also use water bottles in a pinch.

If you do these three exercises for a few sets each day for a month, you will notice a difference.