The positive effects of green tea on health are the subject of this week's feature story. Several of the statements I've read seem exaggerated, so let's dissect them and see what's what.

Green Tea

What are the proven health benefits of green tea? - 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Most scientific research agrees that tea is a healthy beverage choice. But, like with any good item, too much of it may be harmful, so moderation in your green tea use is advised.

Green tea's abundance of beneficial elements is the tea's most notable health benefit. This abundance of bioactive polyphenols is fantastic for your health. Some of these antioxidants, such as flavonoids and catechins, may be familiar to you.

Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging your body.

Free radical damage to your body over time is a leading cause of cancer. So, let me explain it a little bit further. Each of you has a kitchen sink and a bathroom sink, and I bet some of those faucets are rusty.

Think of antioxidants as rust protection for our bodies. Rust forms directly because of the damage done by free radicals, which we talk about a lot.In the media, that is really fantastic. Green tea's high content of antioxidants has been hypothesised to be the reason why its drinkers have decreased cancer rates.

But this is merely a correlation and not proof of cause and effect, so we shouldn't get our hopes up too high. Green tea has many health benefits, but it will not treat or prevent cancer. Also, green tea might be beneficial if you're concerned about your breath smelling bad. Yet I have no interest in knowing such information.

One of the things in green tea called catechins is very good at stopping germs from growing and spreading, as we talked about in the last section. Green tea has been shown in scientific research to be effective against the bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for foul breath.

A lower concentration of that particular bacteria means less plaque, which means that the chance of developing a cavity is reduced while drinking green tea as well.

What's fantastic about green tea is that it keeps your energy steady without the usual crash that follows. Caffeine levels range from 30 to 50 milligrammes, or approximately half a cup of coffee. You're not as jittery as you would be after drinking a large amount of coffee, but you're still alert and aroused.

Green tea contains a compound called l-theanine, which complements caffeine to improve mental performance. We have shown in animal and lab models that it raises your good cholesterol and decreases your bad cholesterol, and it relaxes your brain without the sedation or sleepiness that comes with other relaxing medications.

Based on our tests with both animals and people, we can say that drinking green tea may help lower blood pressure. Managing your blood pressure is a priority for you since you know how dangerous it can be if left unchecked.

Five, green tea aids in fat burning.

There is hope for a faster metabolism and more fat oxidation, or fat burning, but this may be more of a case-by-case thing since not all research agrees on this.

In some experiments, it has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in fat tissue. This cuts off an important source of fuel for your fat. Sixth instance: The vitamin catechins, which we keep bringing up, have been shown to be beneficial in studies involving both animals and humans. While the exact mechanism is unclear, researchers believe it has something to do with a reduction in brain plaque.

I don't know what more you could say to convince someone not to try it out for themselves, but maybe that persuades you to do so. Everyone seems to be enthralled with the possibility that drinking green tea will extend your life.

Numerous studies have been conducted on this topic, with as many as forty thousand participants in some of the larger studies, and the results show that people who drink three to five cups of tea daily have a longer life expectancy and lower all-cause mortality, which includes deaths from heart disease and stroke. Before we get too carried away, however, it's important to keep in mind the difference between correlation and causation.

Several of these nutrients are better absorbed if you include lemon in your tea. Don't skimp in the end; it's worth it to get the high-quality food because it's packed with the nutritious benefits we've discussed.

Please hear me out on this: green tea extract is not the magical cure-all that certain BSS products would have you believe. The original is always preferable to the artificial substitute.

There are two people on the MC mic: an emerald green scrubbed attican and something that works like an ECG but for the brain (does anyone even know what an EKG is?). Even if I can't even get you interested in a cup of tea with a squirrel, we've spoken a lot about catechins, which are neutrins, and we've talked about animal models and lab modelling.