Children grasp that authority is not just based on facts but also on ability since they view the world similarly to adults. We shall learn math and science in primary school, use this knowledge throughout our lives, and be identical to everyone else.

But what if you show up to a wushu session with excitement, pique a child's interest with opponents' movements, their dexterous and elegant poses, and see the inspired looks on gymnasts' faces as they spar? This lesson won't be in vain since if he found anything special or significant to him in this work, he would be silenced.

And if you explain to him in depth and deftly that you may become a champion by putting in the necessary preparation and persistently developing, an independent, strong, and dexterous athlete who constantly defends his leadership, this motivation may serve as a lifelong guide for him.

From an early age

Who wants to be the winner? By dailyhealthwise

We ourselves, both as children and as adults, constantly give someone a little push or guidance or our loving involvement, but sometimes it is not enough for them. By turning your attention to your kid, you may avoid missing a lot, being disorganised by wants, and losing possibilities while still young. Without being too ambitious, we might say that while still living as children, we dream about a lot of things that we haven't yet accomplished. And this opportunity shouldn't be passed up.

A young kid is not only physically highly flexible, or as athletes say, he is not shackled, but also open to perception and fixation of everything in memory that provides motivation for his actions in maturity. And this is the essential thing in wushu.

Magnificent stretch marks are created by young, immature nails, which are an essential component of conditional fights and postures. Your kid will become a champion faster if you enrol him in the wushu school in the Kalinin area as soon as possible once he has learned the fundamentals and nuances of this age-old yet perpetually developing art.

Isn't living life with a winning attitude, feeling always ready to express oneself, and having a complete sense of life, particularly at a young age, the pinnacle of success for someone who improves his physical condition and abilities?

And complex mathematics and the study of natural history will be incorporated into the essential convolutions of the brain, due to the central nervous system's healthy growth and active activity.

Visit the Kalininsky district wushu school. There are excellent mentors ready to help you.

Address for School No. 176 is 13 Ushinsky Street in the Kalininsky neighbourhood of St. Petersburg.


Thursday Tuesday

(4-6 years old) from 5:30 to 6:30 and from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. (7 years and older)

Martial arts, men's sports, and physical education (martial arts).