How can I stop my dog from barking at people and other dogs? Chie Motegi, a veterinarian with training in behavioural science, provides a detailed explanation.

Dog Barks

Why dog barks at strangers BY dailyhealthwise

When "your dog barks at people or other dogs," Dr. Chie Motegi, a veterinarian who specialises in "veterinary animal behaviour" to understand canine psychology from dog behaviour and behaviour, explains how to solve and punish the problem. Indeed, I will elaborate. Dogs can exhibit "problem behaviours," which are defined as those that residents find "disruptive" to their daily lives.

On top of that, it may be written off as "the source of the owner's pampering" due to its lack of discipline. Dogs' "bad behaviour" may, in fact, be a perfectly normal animal habit or the result of medical issues, prior trauma, or mental illness. There are a good many of them.

Dogs' actions are never without cause. Dr. Motegi thinks that poor dog behaviour may be corrected by first identifying the underlying causes of the behaviour and then taking the necessary corrective action.

A scientific method for dealing with behavioural issues in dogs, what is veterinary ethology?

Mr. Chie Motegi, I understand that your area of expertise is in animal behaviour analysis.

Dr. Chie Motegi: "Veterinary behavioural science" indicates that veterinary care include the maintenance of animals' mental health in addition to their physical health, which has traditionally been the primary emphasis of veterinary medicine.

Almost ten years ago, this area of study was added to the curriculum of veterinary institutions in Japan in response to the rising realisation that true animal health may be obtained by working on it. is.

Although most human-animal interactions are nonverbal, understanding animal behaviour and effectively communicating with them may greatly enhance the former's quality of life.

Because of this, I think it's crucial for veterinarians to understand animal behaviour. "Clinical behavioural science" refers to the field of research that expanded this branch of veterinary science.

Clinical ethologists assess and treat animals with behavioural issues, with the goal of "reconstruct[ing] the owner-animal connection into an acceptable one, therefore reducing stress and improving the animal's psychological health." Defending those we care about is the ultimate objective.

When you act like that, what does the dog think? By learning your dog's body language and emotional cues, you'll be better able to read and respond to your dog's needs and communicate with them.

Veterinarians specialising in animal behaviour provide assistance to dog owners in their quest to comprehend and coexist peacefully with their canine companions.

Why do dogs growl at both humans and other dogs?

The question is: why do dogs growl at both unknown people and other dogs?

Dr. Chie Motegi: They didn't react negatively to the intercom ringing or to seeing strangers or other dogs until they were around 4 months old, which is the socialising stage for dogs. They develop a healthy dread of new people and other canines, and begin to bark at their approach.

This is a natural protective reaction to keep oneself safe.

It might be a territorial defence behaviour or a display of possessiveness over resources (or companions, perhaps including family members or other pets).

Puppies should not be introduced to people or other dogs until they are around 6 months old due to the effect of natural variables like breed and sex on the propensity to be scared, possessive, or protective.

Well-socialized pets that have developed a strong bond with their owners' loved ones are less likely to be fearful of strangers and more likely to approach them with friendliness.

Can you think of any other indications your dog could make besides barking if he or she doesn't want people or other dogs around them?

As a doctor, I agree with Dr. Chie Motegi that it is unsettling when a complete stranger or a dog approaches you. They're trying to convey to you through their body language that you shouldn't get any closer.

Dogs typically show fear by tucking their tails, turning their ears back, avoiding eye contact, leaning on their owners, or trying to hide behind them.

When a dog barks at another dog that is coming at them, they may be making countermovements to get away.

This is due to the dog's internal struggle between the want to fight and the need to run away.

*What does the term "Calming Signal" mean?

Number of dogs is a concept invented by dog trainer Turid Rugaas to describe the number of dogs that utilise communication signals to prevent confrontation, dissuade hostility, and soothe other dogs in the vicinity. It's a classification of routines that

  • Turning, licking one's nose, going completely still, and turning are the most typical reactions.
  • When dogs socialise with one another, they release more soothing signals than when they are alone.
  • To put it another way, you can see that reassuring signs are a form of communication.
  • The dogs may be trying to soothe their own anxiety by engaging in these actions, but it's possible that stress is to blame.
  • This article was sourced from—-the-art-of-survival.html.
  • In case you're interested, the source is:
  • Is there anything I can do from the time my dog is a puppy to prevent him from developing a phobia of people and other dogs?
  • Dr. Chie Motegi: Extreme behaviour as a result of exposure to or interaction with other dogs, or as a result of inadequate or unsuitable puppy care. anxiety and heightened watchfulness are possible outcomes.
  • Similarly, anxiety and hypervigilance might result from a dog's inability to effectively interact with other canines.
  • By the time they are 12 weeks old, it is crucial that pups have plenty of opportunity to socialise and play with other dogs (16 weeks at the latest).
  • They will improve their social skills and ability to converse with other canines via repeated exposure to them.
  • Dogs who are naturally friendly and good communicators make excellent candidates for beginning socialisation.
  • Dogs of all shapes, sizes, and personalities should be included in their active socialisation process.
  • However, the use of basic commands like "sit," "wait," and "quiet" to manage the dog's behaviour is highly efficient.
  • When dogs obey their owners' directions, even when exposed to novel stimuli, they may experience less stress and anxiety.
  • In addition, this lets you reward your dog for good conduct (sitting quietly, waiting) as opposed to penalising it for bad behaviour (barking, lunging).
  • Advice for when your dog barks at people or other dogs while on a stroll

Fixing the problem of barking dogs

Please advise me on what to do if, while out on a walk, my dog starts barking at other dogs or people.

It's a typical blunder, says Dr. Chie Motegi, for the owner to use an extremely loud voice to tell the pet's guests to stay away. The dog may not realise he is being reprimanded and may even interpret the owner's actions as encouragement. You may catch your dog's attention by making a noise it doesn't recognise. 

To illustrate, you may say something like, "Oh, look over here." You can also click your tongue and clap your hands. Also, please refrain from calling your dog's name at that period. Your dog may be confused when you call his name "Is this my chance? To what end do you seek my barking?"

Excessive barking, habitual

Selecting a sound that neither excites nor frightens the dog is also essential. If you are unsure, you may test it out on your dog and proceed if he or she gives you the "Eh" expression.

Methods for breaking the habit of barking at passers-by and other dogs when out for a stroll

When strolling, how soon is too soon to call your dog's attention to a strange dog that appears to be coming your way?

The sound needs to be played at a distance that makes you think the dog would bark if you approach it, as explained by Chie Motegi. After getting its bark on, a dog may get so enthralled by the sound of its own barking that it no longer recognises its owner's voice. Before that occurs, continue to praise your dog by telling her, "You're a nice girl, you're not barking," as long as she is paying attention to you. There's a good window of opportunity for snacking. Try to deal with it before it begins barking.

When one dog barks at another dog, it's called "barking at another dog."

Dr. Chie Motegi: To begin, it's crucial to forge at least one fruitful encounter with the proprietor. Learn how to behave with other dogs by not making any unnecessary noise when you're around them. I believe the owner will be relieved if you succeed even once. When a dog feels safe and secure with its owner, the dog expresses its joy by saying, "Good dog." "No problem here! That's okay, right?" Over time, this will lead to dialogue that is more substantive and constructive.

In the event that I am unsuccessful and begin barking once more, what should I do?

Chie Motegi: Then I suggest you find a new place to stay. A reward can be shown in front of a large or medium dog's mouth while on the move, whereas a tiny dog can be held and left alone. Give the order that your dog can do immediately, such as "Sit," "Wait," or "Fuse," when you have a safe distance. So that you can issue the instruction without hesitation, consistent practise at home is essential

If so, when will it take effect?

Chie Motegi: It takes approximately a month of consistent practise, and while results may vary depending on the dog, it is essential to stop as soon as it barks. In spite of setbacks, persistence is crucial.