Here is a "healthy food short list" of the 29 foods that provide the most nutritional value per calorie and can reduce the risk of serious diseases including diabetes, and heart disease.


Each item is described alongside a recommendation on how to include these superfoods into your daily diet. Take charge of your health and wellbeing by designing a health insurance plan that's perfect for you if you're looking for advice on how to improve your lifestyle.

NO 1. Avocados

The Strength: High fibre content and oleic acid, an unsaturated lipid that has been shown to reduce total cholesterol and increase HDL. A single serving has 3 grammes of fibre, 81 calories, and 8 grammes of fat. Slice some up and use it as a condiment on your next burger instead of mayonnaise.

NO 2. Cantaloupe, 

Vitamin C (117mg in half a melon, almost double the recommended daily intake) and beta-carotene are potent antioxidants that can help shield cells from free-radical damage. The potassium content of half a melon is 853 milligrammes, which is nearly twice as much as in a banana and can aid in reducing blood pressure. There are just 97 calories in half a melon, along with 1 gramme of fat and 2 grammes of fibre. Freeze the cubes, and then combine them into an ice smoothie.

NO 3: Cranberry Juice

Benefit: Suppresses the proliferation of microorganisms that might cause bladder infections. There are 144 calories, no fat, and no fibre in a single serving. You may add flavour to your water without adding sugar if you buy juice concentrate made from pure fruit juice.

NO 4: Lycopene, one of the most potent carotenoids, gives tomatoes their antioxidant power. Tomatoes may reduce the chance of developing bladder, stomach by 50% if consumed on a regular basis, according to a recent review of the available scientific literature. You can get 26 calories, zero fat, and 1 gramme of fibre from a single tomato. For optimal absorption of lycopene, drizzle olive oil over fresh slices.

NO 5 - Raisins

The Good: Many women don't get enough iron in their diets, and these little jewels are a fantastic way to get your fill. Two hundred eighteen calories, zero fat, and three grammes of fibre may be found in only a half cup. Women, especially during your period, may benefit from eating a bowl of oats or bran cereal sprinkled with raisins in the morning.

NO 6. The Might of the Figs: Figs are chock full of healthy nutrients like potassium and fibre, and also include the mood-boosting serotonin-making vitamin B6 that also helps decrease cholesterol and prevent water retention. If you want to use the dawae as a form of contraception, it is important to supplement your diet with vitamin B6. 

There is no fat, no cholesterol, and 2 g of fibre in just one fig. (Cookie addicts, take note: fig bars clock in at about 56 calories per cookie, 1 gramme of fat, and 1 gramme of fibre). Dried figs are a fantastic on-the-go snack and fresh figs pair well with pork tenderloin in a slow cooker.


No 7: Gingerols have been shown to alleviate nausea, while other components in ginger have been shown to prevent migraines and arthritic pain by inhibiting the inflammatory prostaglandins. The nutritional value of 1 g of fresh gingerroot, which includes 0 g of fat and 0 g of fibre, is extremely low. To prepare for a stir-fry, remove the rough brown skin before slicing or grating.

NO 8: Powerful carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin may be found in spinach, making it an excellent weapon against macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. In addition, research suggests that this environmentally friendly youth elixir can slow down the ageing process. Each serving has just 7 calories, 0 fat grammes, and 1 g of fibre. Eat the leaves raw in a salad or sauté them in olive oil and garlic.

NO 9. Vegetable Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage)

What Gives It Meaningful Influence: The combination of brassinin, which some research suggests may help prevent breast tumours, and indoles and isothiocyanates, which reduce levels of oestrogen, makes this vegetable a double-edged sword against breast CC. You can prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis with the 158 milligrammes of calcium in just one cup. A cooked cup has only 20 calories, no fat, and 3 grammes of fibre. You can get it from the produce section of your local supermarket or an Asian market. The greens and tender white stalks can be sautéed like spinach or tossed into a stir-fry at the last minute.

NO 10 - Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic

The pungent flavour of garlic comes from sulphur compounds, which also have health benefits including lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of stomach and colon DISEASES. There are 4 calories in a clove, no fat, and no fibre. If you want to use it in place of butter on bread, you can bake a whole head for 15 to 20 minutes until it is soft and sweet.


No 11. Quinoa

What Gives It Meaningful Influence: Quinoa has more protein per serving than any other grain and is also a good source of iron, riboflavin, and magnesium. A serving size of a half cup contains 318 calories, 5 grammes of fat, and 5 grammes of fibre. Put in soup if you want more protein. Before consuming, rinse it thoroughly to remove any bitter residue.

(No. 12) Wheat germ 

The Strength One tablespoon provides about 7 percent of your daily magnesium, which aids in the prevention of muscle cramps, and it's also a good source of vitamin E. There are 27 calories, 1 gramme of fat, and 1 gramme of fibre in a single tablespoon. You can use it as a topping for cereal, yoghurt, or fruit.

Number 13: The Power of Peanuts Eating nuts like peanuts (which are high in unsaturated "good" fat) has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 20 percent. The calorie, fat, and fibre content per ounce is 166, 14, and 2, respectively. You can keep a packet in your desk drawer, gym bag, or purse for a quick protein boost after a workout or in the afternoon to tide you over until dinner, or you can chop a few into a stir-fry for a Thai twist. For a related article, see The Nut Case.

NO 14. Pinto beans are the 23rdmost popular type of bean in the United States.

The Benefits: Prevent heart disease and lower the risk of birth defects with just half a cup, which contains more than 25 percent of your daily folate needs. A canned half cup has 103 calories, 1 gramme of fat, and 6 g of fibre. Just open, drain, and rinse a can before adding it to your vegetarian chilli.

NO 15. The bacteria in active-culture yoghurt can help ward off yeast infections, and the yogurt's calcium content can help keep bones strong. There are 155 calories, 4 grammes of fat, and no fibre in a single serving. If you're trying to cut back on calories and sugar, opt for the plain variety and add your own fruit. Yogurt shouldn't give you stomach trouble if you're lactose intolerant.

NO 16. Skim Milk

The Strength: Riboflavin (also known as vitamin B2) is essential for healthy vision and, when combined with vitamin A, may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of eczema and allergies. Also, you can benefit from the calcium and vitamin D that are included. There are 86 calories, 0 fat grammes, and 0 fibre in a single serving. Instead of suddenly switching to low-fat milk if you're used to high-fat milk, try blending the two types together. Believe me, after a week or two, you won't even remember it!

NO 17. FISH AND SHELLFISH, (Clams, Mussels)

The Strength Iron, magnesium, potassium, and the essential vitamin B12 for healthy nerve and brain function. Calories range from 126 to 146 per three ounce serving, and there is no fibre or protein. New York clam chowder made with tomatoes is a healthy alternative.

NO 18. To lower the risk of heart disease, consume cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna. There are 127 calories, 4 grammes of fat, and 0 grammes of fibre in a cooked 3-ounce serving. Apply the ginger-soy marinade to the fillets and cook them on the grill or under the broiler until the fish flakes easily.

NO 19. Vitamin B12 and zinc, both of which help the body's immune system, are abundant in crab, making it number 29 on this list. There are only 84 calories, 1 gramme of fat, and 0 grammes of fibre in a 3-ounce serving. Instead of using fake crab meat, which is typically made from fish, try making your own crab cakes with canned crab. Recipes featuring Fish and Seafood can be found at the link.