Garlic is a fantastic complement to any cuisine, evident to all chefs and diners.It turns out that garlic has a wealth of other health advantages.

Eat 1 clove of garlic daily and it will happen

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is frequently referred to be the father of modern dawae, For some of his patients, he would even prescribe garlic as a remedy. How does it smell now?

So how can this delectable member of the onion family assist our health? We will discuss about it. Today's ARTICLE lists 11 proven reasons to make garlic a regular part of your diet.

Garlic is delicious.

Garlic tastes great, not only that, but it's easy to add to a variety of foods.

Because of the sheer versatility of garlic bulbs.

Just be sure to brush your teeth often and stock up on breath mints and sugar-free gum.

Garlic contains antioxidants.

One of the biggest contributors to the aging process comes in the form of free radicals, which

Over time, oxidative damage can occur to your body's cells. Fortunately, garlic does

Be a great source of antioxidants that can protect your cells from this oxidative damage.

High doses of garlic supplements have been found to increase antioxidant concentrations.

Enzymes in the human body. It not only prevents damage from free radicals but also

Prevents the effects of common mental diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Garlic can help you detox.

In high enough doses, garlic can protect your organs from damage.

To heavy metal poisoning. In a four-week study, employees were given garlic

Help them cope with the dangerous lead exposure they experienced in their jobs.

According to research, garlic was added.

Able to reduce lead levels in employee systems by approximately 20%.

Garlic has medicinal properties.

Garlic wasn't always an important ingredient in cooking. Major civilizations in ancient history viz

Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon and China used garlic as dawae. now-a-days,

We know that many of the health benefits of garlic come from sulfur.

Compounds found within garlic cloves, such as allicin and dialysin disulfide. however,

These compounds are only formed and released when a clove of garlic is cut, crushed or chewed.

And in some cases these compounds exist briefly after formation.

Garlic fights disease.

If you're feeling under the weather, garlic can help with that too. This has been proven.

Garlic supplements can be used to give your immune system a much-needed boost.

A 12-week study suggests that taking a daily garlic supplement may be worth it

Fight the effects of the common cold. While research on this is currently inconclusive,

It can't hurt to add some extra garlic when you're feeling sick.

High in nutrients, low in calories

Apart from containing several vitamins and minerals, garlic is very low in calories.

A 1-ounce serving of garlic contains plenty of several important nutrients, including:

such as manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium and fiber, as well as a reasonable amount of calcium,

Copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. A serving of garlic

It also contains 9 grams of carbohydrates and 1.8 grams of protein, all for the low price of 42 calories.

Garlic can help with blood pressure.

Apart from fighting colds or flu, garlic can prevent various diseases.

Also forms of heart disease. Studies show that garlic supplements can.

It has a significant effect on lowering blood pressure, which is one of the most important.

Factors when it comes to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

Garlic improves your cholesterol.

Another way garlic may be able to help prevent heart disease is to reduce your weight. Total cholesterol levels, also known as "bad" cholesterol. regular support of Garlic supplements can apparently lower high cholesterol by anywhere between 10 and 15 percent, according to some studies. In comparison, it appears that HDL or "good" cholesterol, is largely unaffected by garlic.

Garlic can make you athletic.

In ancient cultures, garlic was used to reduce fatigue and increase people's ability to work. And was even used by the early Olympic athletes of ancient Greece. While modern studies with mice show that garlic is actually beneficial when it

When it comes to enhancing athletic performance, only a few tests have been done using humans.Garlic can strengthen your bones. While no human studies have been done to measure the effects of garlic on bones.

Damage, studies using rat subjects have indicated that garlic may be able to reduce bone loss

Female rats by increasing estrogen in their system. In another study, women experi

Menopause took a dose of dried garlic extract every day, which helped to combat it.