Beginning with the "Boat" Exercise

How to lose thigh fat in 3 days? This question interests many women

A great fitness move for toning the muscles on the inside of your thighs. Because these muscles rarely contract, this is the greatest exercise for strengthening them. Spread your legs as far as they will go while you sit on the floor. Keep your heels on the ground and draw them in as much as you can before pointing them in opposite directions.

You can rest your weight on your spread arms and lean back. The following breathing exercise is highly recommended: take a deep breath through your mouth, hold it for 8 seconds, then exhale slowly while lowering your head and pulling in your stomach. Then, get on all fours, bring your hands forward, and hold that posture without moving your legs while you count to 8.

After that, go back to square one and do it again two more times. Raise the burden gradually and without undue stress. If you complete each movement slowly and deliberately, without bending at the knees, you can forget about worrying about how to lose weight in your thighs.

Procedure Two

Putting your back against the wall, bend your knees until your legs form a 90 degree angle. Wait thirty seconds, and then use your physical strength to get up. Perform 25–35 repetitions of this exercise in two or three sets.

Workout #3

Using a seat as a makeshift step, we do a basic step aerobics move. One leg at a time, you must place it on the bench. Pace yourself at first, and then speed up the workout as you become used to it. There should be set aside between 25 and 35 minutes for this activity.

Additional Hip Flexor Workout

Keep your feet hip-distance apart and your back straight. Start by doing a lunge on your left foot, then switch to your right. Dumbbells may be used for this workout. Perform this sequence 25–30 times, in sets of 3–4.

Exercise #5 for the Hips

Stretch out on the floor with a big ball between your legs. Squeeze the ball with as much force as you can by gradually contracting your hip flexors. After that, unwind. Complete this sequence 12–17 times.

Can you now say that you know how to reduce the fat on your thighs?