There are four types of meals you should avoid if you're trying to lose weight.We're all aware that fatty foods like french fries, pizza, spaghetti, doughnuts, ice cream, etc. are not healthy choices when dieting. But the general public tends to believe that "healthy" meals like smoothies and muesli have no real boundaries.

4 main Food not to Eat when losing Weight

It's a common misconception that low-calorie meals are also healthful. For instance, while nuts are incredibly nutritious, they are not low in calories. 

Take a look at these 4 seemingly nutritious meals that might really sabotage your weight loss efforts if consumed in excess.


There are around 40 grammes of carbs, 3 to 15 grammes of fat, and 200 to 300 calories in half a cup of muesli. To add insult to injury, muesli is rarely consumed on its own but rather combined with other high-calorie foods such as yoghurt and fruit.

Most people believe that eating a bowl of muesli and yoghurt first thing in the morning is a good idea, but doing so can result in consuming over 600 calories all at once.

Beverage containers filled with smoothies

If you want to lose weight, avoid these 12 foods at all costs:

Making your own smoothies at home is preferable since then you can control the amount and kind of fruit you put in it, as well as the type of milk you use (such as nut milk) and the amount of sugar you add. 

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However, this does not include smoothies that come in a bottle. Both the calories and the sugar content are considerable. A smoothie typically has between 6,000 and 10,000 calories. If you're trying to lose weight and are a woman, you shouldn't consume more than 1200-1400 calories per day; a smoothie will provide you with more than 1000 of those calories.

Granola Bars vs. Protein Bars

There are 12 foods you should avoid if you wish to trim down.

The vast majority of protein bars sold now pack in so many empty calories that they're essentially no better than normal candy bars. Carbohydrates, trans fats, and sugar are typically abundant in protein bars. Fruit is a great option for a light snack between lunch and supper.

Tags: Phys Ed, Fitness, Bodybuilding, Sports Diet.