The Ring of Fire: How to Teach It to Your Dog
Classification of Difficulty
The "Barrier" Team Needs This Information
Essential aids
Treats, a hula hoop, and red paper
Existence of Limits
Dogs with joint issues should not use this product.
The "ring of fire" leap is an impressive circus stunt that is sure to excite the crowd. We won't be using any kindling or fireworks, but we will be using the standard hula hoop and some brightly coloured paper
We get all the props ready that will be needed.
Requiring strips of paper 3-4 cm broad and 30-50 cm in length, these may be glued onto the hoop. Start with a small number of strips of paper so the dog may get acclimated to the new sights and sounds before committing to a whole set.
Getting Fido acquainted with the hoop
Then, say "Barrier" while holding the "fire" ring that appears. When your dog or cat leaps, give him a lot of praise and treats. Do the activity many times, each time increasing the repetitions and the length of the paper strips.
Put the hula hoop in the doorway in case the dog fails to jump through it. It's the best method to guarantee success and prevent mistakes.
Playback device
Stripes should run from the very top of the hoop all the way to the ground for the ideal form of this workout.
Confusing Choices
Get your dog used to jumping through a paper-wrapped hoop. Do this by taking a few pre-cut strips and glueing both the top and bottom edges of the paper to the embroidery hoop. Tear the strips in half and have the dog run through the opening. You should keep adding strips until the whole hoop is covered. After this, bigger strips are used (5-15 cm in width), and eventually, the whole hoop is covered with a single sheet of paper.