Your dog, trained to speak softly in your ear.A child's joy is guaranteed when they participate in the "Say it in your ear" game. In this trick, the dog touches its handler's ear with its nose and stays there for a few seconds.

Similar to the Kiss on the Cheek technique, this one needs a well-structured training system. If you've taught your dog to nose contact the pointer before, he should have no trouble picking up this new trick. You may use the illustration below as a guide if you're unfamiliar with dealing with pointers.

Instructing a dog to "touch the pointer"

How to teach your dog to whisper bark by dailyheathwise

You'll need a pointer, stick, or even just a pencil, plus the word "Bale" to practise the trick.

Put the end of the pointer near the dog's nose and let him investigate. If your pet is uninterested in the toy, you may rub the end with a treat to get their attention. Reward the dog when he noses the end of the stick.

Dog puts paw on pointer.

The next step is to determine the touch based on where the cursor is pointing in three dimensions: up, down, and to the side. Consider the scenario in which you and your dog are separated by some distance and the canine must walk a little distance in order to reach the end of the leash.

Modifying the mouse pointer's location

Enter the optional command "Bale" when the pet willingly touches the pointer's tip. When your dog hits the end, give the order "Pack" and immediately praise him.

To proceed, you must first master the Bale command and then go on to the next level.

Your dog, trained to speak softly in your ear.

To teach your dog the "Pip" command, place the pointer's tip next to your ear or the ear of someone your dog is comfortable with. You should immediately give the pet a treat once he touches the ear. So that the dog grows accustomed to staying frozen for longer, repeat the exercise many times and lengthen the duration between the instruction and the incentive.

The canine is resting his ear on the

The command "Bare" will be phased out in favour of "Speak in your ear," and the pointer will be abandoned altogether.

Confusing Choices

Even a limited perspective may accommodate this method. She should lean down to the dog, tell him, "Speak in your ear," and then repeat back to the crowd anything he tells her to say.